A hot stone massage is a kind of massage that provides greater relief and relaxation to muscles and damaged tissue all over the body. In this, a smooth and flat type of stones are placed over the body as stones is made up of volcanic rock that could absorb more heat. The temperature is kept between 130 to 145 degrees as stones are placed on the spine, face, feet, and palms.
Some of the benefits of hot stone massage are given beneath:
- Heat provides greater ease in muscle pain and tension as it maximizes the flow of blood and flexibility of a motion. Hot and cold stones prove to be more effective massage as it aids in relieving from inflammation.
- This kind of massage minimizes the level of stress as the client could spend some time grooming their personality.
- Massaging promotes better sleep as one could feel active and positive awakening throughout the day. This brings a healthy environment as job-oriented people could feel better and relaxed.
- Hot stone massage provides a cure from many diseases like cancer and provides a great comfort to client as they could spend their day which is free from stress, anxiety, and fatigue.
- Hot stone massage help in boosting an immunity system as it regulated blood pressure and activates blood vessels. Thus, this improves the blood circulation level and is considered as prevention from several health issues.
As stones are placed on several areas of the body which ensure proper flow of energy and relaxation to muscles. As dead cells are released from the body, so professionals always recommend drinking plenty of water after getting this treatment so that they could flush out toxicity and get detoxified. The two most important things that must be kept in mind while undergoing this treatment, one must not workout heavy before this treatment and second one is that eating a light meal is preferred. Massaging is considered safe and convenient as it is advisable to every client that one must consult a doctor before going this treatment. Massage ensures a pleasant experience as it stimulates blood circulation and promotes a better flow of energy. This massage is regarded as valuable that promotes easy flexibility and provides a cure for health problems like muscle pain and chronic stress. Hot stone massage help in expanding blood vessels which result in better flow of blood over the body. The client finds this technique to be more relaxing and rewarding as it renders relief and relaxation. Another key benefit of stone massage is that it improves the overall skin appearance and provides a great sense of comfort and warmth to every person who has undergone this treatment.
Hot massage provides relief for both physical and mental health as one could get numerous benefits after undergoing this treatment. It promotes oxygen flow as heal dilates aids in bringing fresh breathe and elements such as lactic acid is flushed away from the body. It also promotes better moods as one could feel better and get relaxation and thus bring rejuvenation.